
Audio: Exploding chair.
Here's an interesting audio clip from our 399th investigation where the chair that one of our investigators was sitting in behaves strangely. Parental guidance is advised since the excited investigators use some inappropriate language. The investigators comments are included below.
"This audio was taken at a private case. The chair I was sitting in, the leg was tugged and lifted up. The leg shattered in many pieces. I hit the floor so hard, I thought I broke my arm. It felt like someone slammed me to the hardwood floor without touching me. We found pieces of the chair 30 feet away. It exploded like shattered glass. When I was on my hands and knees, you can hear me speak softly. During this time, the story of the murder back in 1925 at this house, unfolded in my mind. I knew the true story then. I can't explain how it happen, but it did. There is strong language in this clip. I will never forget this private case. It was one of the best investigations that we ever been on."
"...the client later found piece's of the chair around the corner on the stairs leading to upstairs beside the front door. This was 30 feet away. No clue how the pieces got there. Like I said before, the chair I was sitting on, the leg exploded."