Seattle TV Station Komo4 News accompanied PSGH to Port Gamble and here is the resulting video:
Walker-Ames with Komo4
PSGH went looking for rock and roll music at Jimi Hendrix grave. See the writeup in The Stranger:
Jimi Hendrix with The Stranger
PSGH showed up at the Mystic Moon Cafe to talk about the paranormal (you'll need Flash for this link):
Mystic Moon Cafe
Christmas and New Years have come and gone and Ken and Donna have been guests on another radio show. Here's the link:
Deprogram Talk Radio Show
Halloween is upon us and along with al things spooky, interest has increased in ghost hunting. Please follow the following links to see what PSGH has been doing in the spirit of the holiday.
On Halloween day, co-president Ken did another interview for a radio station. Here's a link:
91.3 fm KBCS
Our co-president Donna had a chance to give an interview about who we are and what ghost hunting is about. Follow this link to read the full interview:
Co-president Ken was asked by Movin' 92.5 with Brooke & Jubal in the Morning to conduct an investigation of their intern's new apartment and report back to the show. Check out this audio clip: