Our Team
Donna is the co-owner of Puget Sound Ghost Hunters. Donna is also the Case Manager for the team. She coordinates and schedules private investigations and works as the liaison between our team and our clients as well as assists in putting together the “reveal” documentation.
Ken is the co-owner of Puget Sound Ghost Hunters. Ken is also our Audio and Equipment Specialist. He ensures we have the right equipment for each investigation and trains other team members in using them. Ken is also an EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) Specialist and assists in putting together the “reveal” documentation.
Tim is an EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) Specialist. Tim also assists in photo documenting evidence and equipment set up.
Tony is an EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) Specialist and assists in photo documenting evidence and equipment set up. Tony is also our Open Investigation Coordinator, seeking out and setting up investigations for our team at known haunted locations.
Tanya is a sensitive who floats between investigative tasks.
Leah is many things: an investigator, member of the clergy, and a reiki master. She helps clear unwanted energies from investigative sites to provide peace and closure for both spirits and the living.